Your Questions Answered
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How do I use the site to find a property for sale?
PropertySales.com has invested heavily in helping buyers connect with sellers of properties for sale. There are numerous ways you can use the site to find your ideal property.
Keyword Search and Browse
You can narrow your search to the properties that meet your specific requirements in just a few mouse clicks and keystrokes.
Simply click on the dropdown box below ‘property type’ and tick the boxes that apply to you – whether its offices, industrial premises, land, residential properties, leisure premises, retail premises or miscellaneous properties.
Then type the postcode or name of a geographic location you wish to buy property in (or leave this blank if you want to scour the entire UK). And indicate the geographic scope of your search by selecting how many miles radius from your specified location you are willing to buy property.
Additionally, you can narrow your search to freeholds for sale or properties to let, tenanted or non-tenanted property, development opportunities or non-development opportunities, and auction property or non-auction property.
How do I find out more about a property for sale?
If you want further information about a property for sale you must contact the seller or the seller’s representative (an agent, broker or intermediary) by completing the contact form at the foot of the property advert page. Explain clearly and honestly why the property interests you and, if applicable, that you are in a position to buy and your enquiry is likely to be prioritised.
All messages to sellers are delivered through the PropertySales.com email system. The seller will reply to you directly.
The information visible on the property advert is all the information PropertySales.com has on the property in question. We are not a broker or an intermediary. We are an advertising medium, like a newspaper or directory, but on the web.
Please note: the seller may then request more information from you before disclosing further information about the property.
They may also ask you to sign a confidentiality agreement. Some agents require that you sign a confidentiality agreement before they disclose further information about the property for sale. Also called a non-disclosure agreement, this protects the seller against the risk of confidential information, such as financial records, falling into the wrong hands – i.e. the press or competitors.
A seller may even want to meet a prospective buyer before they release confidential information.
What if a property advert contains insufficient/inaccurate information or the location is unclear?
While we do our best to ensure that all properties advertised on the site are genuine, we do not create the listings. All information provided comes from agents acting on behalf of sellers and the sellers themselves. We encourage advertisers to provide as much information as possible, especially when related to the property’s location. If you want clarification of any details in – or absent from – the advert then please complete the ‘Contact Seller’ form.
The property has been sold – can I still contact the seller?
Agents and sellers are responsible for their own listings and it is their responsibility to update listings if a price or any other information about the property should change. We cannot keep adverts up to date ourselves, but we do remind agents and sellers to keep their adverts up to date. We are always working with agents and other sellers to ensure their listings are as clear, accurate and informative as possible.
If a listing has not been updated in any way for 12 consecutive months it will ‘expire’ and be removed from the site. Of course, we don’t want you enquiring on a property that was sold 11 months ago either, so we still remind advertisers to be vigilant in removing listings as soon as properties are sold.
Why hasn’t the seller replied to my enquiry?
Sellers and agents can be slow to reply because they check their enquiries infrequently, it takes time to prepare the information you have requested, or if they are on holiday.
Some property agents will email you, some will send information through the post and others will give you a call, so check your post box, voicemail messages and emails regularly. Most agents will reply promptly, but even if they don’t reply immediately, do not be deterred from making further enquiries.
To foster trust between buyer and seller we urge you to include as much information about yourself as possible in your enquiry, as well as your reasons for being interested in the business for sale. Convince the seller or agent/broker that your enquiry is a serious one and they’ll be more forthcoming with information about the property. Agents should, and often do, reply to every request but reassuring statements such as 'I have assessed my financial means and this property is within my budget' or ‘If I find the right property then I am in a position to put in a bid immediately' may lead to your enquiry being prioritised.
On average it takes up to one week for a seller or agent to reply to your enquiries. If you have still heard nothing after one working week then our customer services team will be happy to try and contact the seller or agent on your behalf or send you their direct contact details, if available.
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How do I advertise on your site?
If you’re a professional advisor specialising in buying or selling properties – such as an agent, broker or intermediary – and would like to list your properties on PropertySales.com, please click on the ‘Advertise Property’ tab at the top of the home page. Then, at the bottom of the page, click on ‘contact us about a corporate account'.
Alternatively, click the link below to complete our registration form.
How much does it cost to advertise?
The cost of advertising on PropertySales.com varies, depending on the country you are based in, as well as the volume and type of properties you want to list.
Please contact our customer services team who can advise you on the best advertising package for your properties and answer any questions you have.
Alternatively, please complete our registration form and follow the online process.
How do I change or update my account details?
To change or update your account details, sign into your account with your username and password. Then you can track and maintain your listings, update your details or upgrade your advertising.
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How do I change or update my account details
In order to change or update your account details you will need to sign in to your account with your username and password.
Once you’ve signed in you can track and maintain your listings, update your details and upgrade your advertising.
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How do I sell my property?
To sell your property on PropertySales.com you need to click on the ‘Advertise Property’ tab at the top of the home page, which takes you to a page outlining the benefits of advertising with the service. Then click on ‘Advertise your property’ and follow the step-by-step registration process, entering your user details, property details, unit details and payment information.
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How much does it cost to advertise my property?
The cost of advertising your property for sale varies according to the level of exposure you want. You can have a Standard Property Listing, or pay extra for a FrontPage Spotlight, Premium Listing and Sponsored Listing.
Can I remain anonymous when advertising a property?
Yes. PropertySales.com recognises that selling a property is a sensitive process and we respect the privacy of sellers.
As a seller, you do not have to reveal specific details about your property for sale – such as the property name or its exact location. Also, you don’t need to reveal your name or contact details such as your email address, telephone number or postal address. All messages from buyers are delivered directly to you through the PropertySales.com email system. This means that your anonymity can be protected at all times.
How do buyers contact me?
Buyers send an email directly to you by completing the ‘Contact Seller’ form at the foot of your listing.
All messages from buyers are delivered to you through the PropertySales.com email system. You can screen all messages before replying.
How do I monitor/improve my listing?
You can sign into your account at any time and monitor all enquiries made on your listing. You can also update your personal details and amend or upgrade your property listing.
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How do I renew my listing?
The advertising period lasts for two calendar months. We will send you frequent emails reminding you how long you have until the advertising period expires.
Two weeks before your advert expires we will offer you the chance to renew the advert for a further two months. You can renew your advert after it has expired without having to re-enter all the information, because we retain adverts on our secure records for a period after their removal from the site.